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EGZO – это коллекция презервативов необычной структуры, поставляемая в очень красивой упаковке. Идеально подходит в качестве подарка или для особого случая. Несмотря на свой уникальный внешний вид, презервативы имеют маркировку CE.
Latex condom with tiny antennae located on the edge. They will give incomparable sensation, when every cell of the body ignites from the flames of passionate lust. Soar to the height of unknown pleasure with this humble contraceptive with a spicy addition.
Latex condom with tiny antennae located on the edge. They will give incomparable sensation, when every cell of the body ignites from the flames of passionate lust. Soar to the height of unknown pleasure with this humble contraceptive with a spicy addition.
Latex condom with tiny antennae located on the edge. They will give incomparable sensation,when every cell of the body ignites from the flames of passionate lust. Soar to the height of unknown pleasure with this humble contraceptive with a spicy addition.
Latex condom with tendrils. Tired of boring condoms causing discomfort? EGZO „Dragon Lord`s“ is a great way to solve this problem. Not only your partner will love it, but also you. Designed for maximum enjoyment. Combines high flexibility and security.
Latex condom with tendrils. Tired of boring condoms causing discomfort? „Hot Red“ is a great way to solve this problem. Not only your partner will love it, but also you. Designed for maximum enjoyment. Combines high flexibility and security.
Latex condom with a classic shape. The condom is covered with piquant and soft tendrils and dots. Those details will allow you to feel every heatwave and vibration your partner sends your way. This „Jolly Roger“ will burst the expectations of every lover who wants to know the facets of enjoyment.
Latex condom with a classic shape. The condom is covered with piquant and soft tendrils and dots. Those details will allow you to feel every heatwave and vibration your partner sends your way. This „Lucky Dude“ will burst the expectations of every lover who wants to know the facets of enjoyment.
Latex condom with a classic shape. Antennae are located on the surface of the condom which will pleasantly stimulate the most sensitive point, thus giving incredible pleasure. It will amaze your partner and make intimacy memorable.
Latex condom with a classic shape with one exception – antennae. Here is an opportunity to enjoy and admire them personally. It’s time to make sure that the Ugly Coyote, despite the belligerent look, provides a nice amount of tickles and excitement.
Latex condom with tiny antennae located on the edge. They will give incomparable sensation, when every cell of the body ignites from the flames of passionate lust. Soar to the height of unknown pleasure with this humble contraceptive with a spicy addition.
Оральные презервативы EGZO Ice cream со вкусом ванильного мороженого. Оральные презервативы EGZO Ice cream - презервативы для орального секса, со вкусом и ароматом ванильного мороженого. Можно также использовать для вагинального секса.
Оральные презервативы EGZO Blackberry со вкусом ежевики.Оральные презервативы EGZO Blackberry - презервативы для орального секса, со вкусом и ароматом ежевики. Можно также использовать для вагинального секса.
Обзор Оральные презервативы EGZO Strawberry со вкусом клубники. Оральные презервативы EGZO Strawberry - презервативы для орального секса, со вкусом и ароматом клубники. Можно также использовать для вагинального секса.